2021 - Multiplex(ing)

Multiplex(ing) is a piece for recreations of the analog Buchla 100 series modular system synthesizer. The original Buchla 100 series modular was built by Donald Buchla and installed at the San Francisco Tape Music Center in 1965. Also an analog video modular system from LZX Industries is used, with a resemblance to video art from the 70s. The audio and the visual signals are intertwined and connected between the modules using feedback loops to construct new cybernetic systems for music and audiovisual art. An intense audiovisual experience for the listening of the eyes and seeing of the ears.

The piece was premiered during the 3 Small Spaces festival at Tegen 2 Gallery March 5th 2021.

Screenshots and photos: Magnus Bunnskog. Live stream: John Chantler.

This page was last edited on 2024-08-06 12:37

This page was last edited on 2024-08-06 12:37

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